Enable SSH Public key Authentication
- At a system with FIPS enabled. Doing so ensures that the MD5 digest algorithm is not used during key generation. Servers, those FIPS-enabled or not, will be able to use the public key generated by the FIPS-enabled client.
- # mkdir ~/keys/
- # chmod 700 ~/keys/
- # ssh-keygen -b 4096 -f ~/keys/id_rsa -t rsa
- # chmod 400 ~/keys/*
- Transfer the public key (id_rsa.pub) via authorized transfer method to target system /tmp directory.
- Copy off the key pair and store in safe location.
- At target system(s):
- # useradd testuser
- # passwd -l testuser
- # mkdir -p /etc/ssh/authorized_keys
- # chmod 0755 /etc/ssh/authorized_keys
- # chown -R root:root /etc/ssh/authorized_keys
- # cat /tmp/id_rsa.pub > /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/testuser-authorized_keys
- # chmod 400 /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/testuser-authorized_keys
- # chown testuser:testuser /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/testuser-authorized_keys
- Ensure following parameters are enabled in the OpenSSH daemon configuration file:
- PubkeyAuthentication yes
- AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/authorized_keys/%u-authorized_keys
- Restart sshd if changes made to OpenSSH daemon configuration file.
- At Tenable.sc:
- Add new SSH credential using “Public Key”
- Perform scan with the newly created credential to ensure valid scan.