Training #2 Familiar with Inventories and Playbooks
Overview: Use Ansible with multiple inventories and playbooks. Practice items: Practice items with some samples:
Overview: Use Ansible with multiple inventories and playbooks. Practice items: Practice items with some samples:
Overview: Setup Vagrant then three Vagrant VMs. Install Ansible on the host and one of Vagrant VM. The practice can either on the host system or the Vagrant VM that acting as Ansible management node. Practice items: Ansible PING module used in this practice. It can be any as user seems fit. Some steps may […]
Overview: Familiar methods to install Ansible: repository or python-pip
Overview: Some examples of Ansible playbook syntax, key value and techniques.
Intend: Workaround when tcpdump tool not available. Issue: Tool tcpdump not available on the system troubleshooting. Notes: Log everything (depending on target chain): # iptables -I INPUT 1 -j LOG –log-prefix “#### Tmp logging ####” # iptalbes -I FORWARD 1 -j LOG –log-prefix “#### Tmp logging ####” # # iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -j LOG […]
General Notes
At a system with FIPS enabled. Doing so ensures that the MD5 digest algorithm is not used during key generation. Servers, those FIPS-enabled or not, will be able to use the public key generated by the FIPS-enabled client. # mkdir ~/keys/ # chmod 700 ~/keys/ # ssh-keygen -b 4096 -f ~/keys/id_rsa -t rsa # chmod […]
What is Splunk? – Translate machine data into human readable – Splunk Free license allows only 500MB per day Deployment Models: How Splunk Stores Data: Splunk Licensing: Splunk Apps: Installing Splunk: Getting Data In: How Splunk Consumes Data: Forwarders: Forwarding & Receiving:
• Use command sed to delete line 5 and line 20-25: # sed -i ‘5d;20,25d’ /tmp/example.file • Command to modify group membership • Short loop to set password for multiple users • 786: Add IP address to NIC with ip command: # ip a add <> dev eth0 • Useful package that allow tab completion: […]
Enter following commands: qemu-img convert \ -f vmdk \ -O qcow2 \ OVF-0.9.6/GNUstep-VM.i686-0.9.6-disk1.vmdk \ KVM-0.9.6/GNUstep-VM.i686-0.9.6.qcow